

The Counter Widget includes several options for easy customization, and they are a great way to display content and attract the viewer’s eyes as they animate into the screen viewport.

The counter widget allows you to control every color needed from borders to title and body text.


The following is a GIF video to show you how to use the Counter widget :




  • Starting Number : Set the starting number of the counter.
  • Ending Number : Set the ending number of the counter.
  • Animation Duration : The time in milliseconds for the running animation to complete. So 1000 ms is equal to 1 second
  • Alignment : Set the alignment of the counter.


  • Content Text : Type the text you want to display.
  • Color : Choose the color for your text.
  • Typography : Choose the Font-name, size, boldness, text-decoration, letter-spacing.

Counter Style

  • Color : Choose the color for your number text.
  • Prefix : Enter text to appear before the number, if any, such as a currency sign.
  • Suffix : Enter text to appear after the number, if any, such as a plus sign.
  • Thousand Separator : Toggle this button to show or hide the thousands separator.
  • Separator Type : Select default, dot, or space for the thousand separator character.
  • Typography : Choose the Font-name, size, boldness, text-decoration, letter-spacing.
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